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How it works

Fleee Market exists to both serve and partner with the core streetwear and fashion consumer.

There's been a consolidation of power by the big platforms, and that power has grown without much given back to the consumer. Let's change that.

Sign up for an account.

Click here to create an account with either your gmail or other email. No passwords required. Once you've setup an account, update your profile with the shipping address of your choice.

Connect to your bank.

The payment processor we've installed is Stripe. If you want to start selling on the platform, you must connect your banking account via the Stripe connect button on your profile page. Every part of this step-by-step process is managed via Stripe.

List products and start selling.

Your account has been activated, and you’ve linked your new profile to your bank. It’s time to start buying and selling.

Guaranteed Buyer & Seller protection.

After an item has been sold, the seller has up to 3 days to provide a tracking number in their profile page.

Fees and Incentives for selling on our platform.

Our transaction fee is 4 percent for new users. Creating listings will be free for everyone, forever.

Profit Sharing

$2000 in sales earns you $300.

After $3000 in sales, your account will automatically be upgraded to pro - which means 2% transaction fee on each sale.

Once you reach $10,000 in sales, your account will be upgraded again to superpro, which will bring 0% transaction fees for life.

Our platform revenue will be tracked and open source to users with an account. Please contact us here to provide any suggestions.